
People who contribute to building the ‘sincere and trusting’ relationship between Vietnam and Japan

Many Vietnamese people who studied and built careers in Japan return to contribute to the country’s development, helping to strengthen the special relationship between the two countries.

The relationship between Vietnam and Japan is so special that everything proposed by the leaders of the two countries comes from the deep affection between the people of the two countries.

Solid foundation

In 2022, in order to bring the strategic partnership between the two countries into a new stage of development, Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio highly agreed on the above specific directions and measures. spirit of “emotional, sincere, trustworthy, substantive, effective”.

Perhaps among countries that have established close relations with our country, there is rarely any special affection like that with Japan. This is built on the feelings of each person in each country for their friends. The relationship has been proven over the past 50 years, each generation of Vietnamese people come to Japan to study, work and stick with the land of the rising sun and vice versa, Japanese intellectuals come to Vietnam to invest, build solid economic, cultural and social cooperation bases.

Cooperation between Japan and Vietnam

Cooperation between Japan and Vietnam

HSC Investment Corp. Attend the trade and investment connection program on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Japan

The foundation for the development of Japan-Vietnam relations is understanding and sympathy between people. In addition, this relationship is also strengthened by the activities of all those who have contributed in different fields.

Vietnamese people in Japan are the second largest foreign community in this island nation, ranked above the Korean community and only behind the Chinese community, according to statistics from the Japanese Ministry of Justice. As of June 2022, the number of Vietnamese citizens in Japan is 476,346 people.

The Vietnamese community in Japan has produced many individuals who have contributed greatly to the development of friendly relations between the two countries. They came and fell in love with Japan, considering it their second homeland. But then they still choose to return to their homeland with the desire to use the knowledge and experience they gained while studying and working in their home country to develop their career. Since then, they have become an economic and cultural bridge between two special countries in Asia.

The wave of knowledge “going to return” from Japan and successful startups is increasing, including individuals of the Board of Directors of HSC Investment Group Joint Stock Company (HSC Investment Corp). .

With a team of nearly 100 members, HSC Investment Group Joint Stock Company has 3 doctors, 9 masters and a total of 25 employees who have studied and worked in Japan. Among the members of the Board of Directors, up to 4 people are Vietnamese intellectuals who have become famous in their home country and have chosen to build their careers in their homeland.

First of all, the General Director – Dr. Le Khac Hoang. He graduated from a prestigious university in Southern Japan – Kyushu University (Top 5 school in Japan according to 2020 votes). Dr. Le Khac Hoang has lived, worked and researched in the land of the rising sun for a long time. After receiving his PhD in Plant Protection Science, Dr. Hoang returned home and taught at Ho Chi Minh City University of Agriculture and Forestry.

The founding team of HSC Investment Corp

Thanks to his extensive knowledge of agriculture, along with his constant desire to develop the country’s agricultural industry and transfer agricultural technology to a higher level, in 2012, Dr. Hoang founded HSC Joint Stock Company in Ho Chi Minh City. Now, HSC, along with its green logo, has become a familiar name associated with many Vietnamese agricultural products exported to foreign markets. He is currently the General Director of HSC Investment Corp.

Another face of HSC very familiar to the Vietnamese Community in Japan is Chairman of the Board of Directors of Yamakawa Do Phu Son. Mr. Yamakawa Do Phu Son graduated with honors majoring in Foreign Economics from Hanoi Foreign Trade University (FTU), Osaka International University (Japan) in 2002.


Mr. Son used to hold positions such as JICA International Department specialist, Southeast Asia market director of Trial Corp – one of the giants in the retail industry in Japan – before starting a business and becoming a Founding member of HSC Vietnam (predecessor of HSC Investment Corp). Mr. Son is currently Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Group, and is also a member of the Board of Directors of many other companies under the Group.

The third member who also has many connections with Japan is Mr. Pham Van Tra – Deputy Genera

Join forces and cooperate to support bilateral development

Join forces and cooperate to support bilateral development

Join forces and cooperate to support bilateral development

Join forces and cooperate to support bilateral development

l Director in charge of IPO, member of the Board of Directors of HSC Investment Corp. He once held senior executive roles at many of the group’s subsidiaries in the import-export and retail distribution sectors. He graduated with a Master’s degree in Economics from Kyushu University, Japan and has many years of experience in the commercial and retail franchise distribution industry in Vietnam.

Finally, we must mention Dr. Do Thuy Nguyen – co-founder of HSC from the beginning, is currently the Group’s Deputy General Director in charge of the Konni39 brand, a famous domestic Japanese store chain nationwide. Coming from a famous university – Kyushu University, Mr. Do Thuy Nguyen is one of the rare U30 PhDs who completed their graduation thesis at a very young age (28 years old).

Having a PhD in Computer Science and Modeling, Mr. Nguyen is in charge of building and applying digital transformation projects, building ERP systems to manage operations, optimize business activities as well as logistics for all businesses in the HSC Investment Corp. ecosystem.

HSC Investment Corp in Japan With a team of founders and executives who share the same development process and special feelings for Japan, but still desire to contribute to their homeland, HSC Investment Corp sets its mission to create Build products and services that help improve the quality of life of Vietnamese people; bringing the mark of Vietnamese brands and Vietnamese intelligence to the world. Starting from the relationship between Vietnam and Japan, each business area of HSC Investment Corp has its own mission but all share the same criteria of “Japanese quality”, bringing “true value” to customers. products, in accordance with the principles set by the board of directors from the first days of starting the business: “Vietnamese intelligence – Japanese quality – True value”.

Come, love and return

Since their days as interns in Japan, HSC people have had the mindset to learn how their country’s miraculous development was possible after the war in order to bring those values back to Vietnam.

CEO Le Khac Hoang used to work part-time at a Japanese agricultural market, where, morning and night, outside of studying and researching, he had to carry boxes of imported bananas to export to small markets on the outskirts of the city. He made careful observations about the way the Japanese trade agricultural products and learned many lessons for himself. Later, in the process of developing agricultural products for foreign export, he applied lessons from his country to HSC’s high-quality agricultural product model from the growing, packaging and branding process.

Dr. Le Khac Hoang (3rd from right) received a certificate of merit recognizing HSC Investment Corp’s contributions to the Vietnamese community in the Spring Homeland 2023 program
Because of that special love for Japanese character, HSC people have used all their resources not only to develop their own careers but also to support and join hands in building a growing Vietnamese community in Japan. grow stronger. HSC Investment Corp members participate in the Vietnamese Association in Japan, contributing to community activities such as hometown Tet programs, community music nights, volunteer activities, and creating HSC scholarship funds to encourage the class. Children study to build their homeland.

Most significantly, the Vietnamese Association in Fukuoka, Japan, established in 2019, has a huge imprint of Vietnamese-origin businesses, with the highlight role being HSC Japan Joint Stock Company – a member of HSC Investment Corp. Mr. Yamakawa Do Phu Son – Chairman of term 1 – always strives to use the group’s resources to build a strong Vietnamese community in Japan. For many consecutive years, HSC has been both the organizing committee and the main sponsor of the Vietnamese Tet program, providing a cultural playground for the community and connecting cultural relations between the two countries.

Other activities such as organizing music nights and trade promotion exchanges also always have the presence of General Director Le Khac Hoang – who always sees Japan as his second homeland and always returns to Japan in everything. events related to the development of economic – cultural – social cooperation of the two countries.

In addition, HSC Investment Corp has also built a scholarship fund to support students studying in Japan since 2017. The COVID-19 epidemic interrupted the fund but is expected to restart in 2023 and Aiming to give more and more opportunities to Vietnamese students.

It can be seen that the role of promoting the Vietnam-Japan cooperative relationship is not just a story of the two countries and diplomats, but it is closer than that, more specific than that through the activities of the countries. businesses, individuals… They come, love, return and then return with a new mindset, new role, showing the bravery of Vietnamese people in their country. For HSC people, they carry within themselves the motto “Vietnamese Intelligence – Japanese Quality – True Values” and spread these values, to turn it into a red thread leading the way for Vietnamese people who love Japan. , wants to contribute to the good development of the relationship between the two countries.

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Tax code: 0311654573
Issue date: November 20, 2003.
Place of issue: Department Of Planning & Investment Of Ho Chi Minh City